Blue Earth Softwares

We Master Technologies not just the Tools

We offer leading-edge technology solutions, expert professional and managed services and proven methodologies to ensure your business risks are reduced, data is protected and business objectives are achieved.

Experienced Team

Meticulous Approach

Customized Solutions


We understand that security goes deeper than software and applications. It touches every layer of your network infrastructure and requires a holistic defense strategy that aligns people, processes and technology. Far from deploying a product that you can build and forget, true security needs to be fortified with continuous testing, monitoring and review. We work with you to identify weak spots in your network and design a custom security solution to aptly fit the needs of your organization.

  • NG Network Security
  • System Security
  • Data Security
  • Mobile Security
  • Email Security
  • Web Security
  • Database Security
  • Application Security
  • Cloud & Data Center Security
  • SIEM
  • Single Sign On
  • Adaptive Strong Authentication
  • Privileged Identity Management
  • Identity & Access Management
  • Audit and Compliance
  • Data Availability
  • System Availability
  • Application Availability & Performance
  • Data Availability
  • WAN Availability
  • WAN Optimization
  • App & Desktop Virtualization
  • Enterprise Mobility Management
  • Enterprise Networking
  • Data Center Networking
  • Wireless and Mobility

Our Partner


Anticipating, preventing, detecting and responding to threats requires focus and dedication. We work to identify, understand and defeat threats as they emerge .We use depth and breadth of experience to ensure that you remain secure. Implementing policies that make sense is the first step to ensuring compliance, reducing risk and enabling the business. We work closely to develop practical and efficient framework to help achieve the right balance between risk and efficiency for your business.

  • Design & Architecture Consulting
  • Technology Implementation Services
  • 24X7 Security Support Services
  • DLP – Incident Monitoring
  • DLP – Management & Support
  • Data Classification Consulting Services 
  • Security Audits
  • Risk Assessment
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Penetration Testing
  • Managed Security Services
  • Education Services

Cyber Risk Assessment Services (ACRAS)

acpl’s Cyber Risk Assessment Services(ACRAS) offer comprehensive vulnerability and exploits validation services to identify the weaknesses on customer’s IT infra, help them prioritize the remediation’s, strengthen their security controls and reduce cyber risk.

ACRAS vulnerability assessment services is a proactive service to identify vulnerabilities in your systems and network. The objective is to find flawed areas that leave your organization exposed to malicious attacks. Risks could include: exploitable DNS configurations, out of date and unpatched software, misconfigured firewalls, and unencrypted login credentials. It is important to identify these issues before criminals do.

acpl’s CRAS provides robust vulnerability assessment services, which performs scan across internal and external network devices, servers, web applications, databases, and other assets in both on-premise and cloud environments. We identify vulnerabilities and validate security defenses to enhance your security posture, reduce risk, facilitate compliance and improve operational efficiency.

ACRAS remove the ongoing burden that Vulnerability Management places on your team and give you back control and peace of mind through:

  • Complete visibility of vulnerabilities in your systems, applications and network
  • Reporting optimized for your environment, threat landscape and compliance
  • Prioritized to-do lists that you can put to action straight away


We will scan your environment to discover security vulnerabilities across your network devices, servers, web applications and databases.


We will scan your environment to discover security vulnerabilities across your network devices, servers, web applications and databases.


We will scan your environment to discover security vulnerabilities across your network devices, servers, web applications and databases.


We will scan your environment to discover security vulnerabilities across your network devices, servers, web applications and databases.

ACRAS benefits to Your Organization

  • Automated testing combined with manual validation to reduce incidence of false positives
  • Increased scan efficiency based on the current threat landscape
  • Access to tailored and comprehensive reports that help save time and focus on key risks
  • Access to leading experts from within ACPL SOC team
  • Application of threat data from a variety of trusted industry and research sources
  • Discover and categorize assets according to their criticality to your business
  • Backed by industry-leading vulnerability scanning technologies
  • Finds security weaknesses before they are exploited
  • Combines threat intelligence with vulnerability scanning
  • Helps prioritize vulnerabilities for remediation
  • Improves security visibility with periodic reporting
  • Reinforces risk posture, safeguarding reputation


Think Offensive to Secure Defenses

ACRAS Penetration testing is a proactive approach to discovering exploitable vulnerabilities in your web applications, computer systems, and networks. ACRAS testing process goes beyond automated scanning and into complex security exploitation. Gain a thorough understanding of these vulnerabilities and begin to remediate the issues before an attacker is able to interrupt your business operations.

ACRAS identify network vulnerabilities and validate security defenses with our expertise to enhance your security posture, reduce risk, facilitate compliance and improve operational efficiency.

Network and Infrastructure Penetration Testing

ACRAS’s Infrastructure penetration testing identifies security weaknesses in your network, as well as the devices within the network. Our testers search to identify flaws such as out of date software, missing patches, improper security configurations, weak communication algorithms, command injection, etc. Infrastructure penetration tests often include the testing of firewalls, switches, virtual and physical servers, and workstations.

Web Application Penetration Testing

Web applications can process and/or store sensitive information including credit cards, personal identifiable information (PII), and proprietary data. Applications are an integral business function for many organizations, but with that functionality comes risk. ACRAS web application penetration testers seek to obtain unauthorized access into web apps to gather sensitive information which will provide visibility into the risks associated with application vulnerabilities.